Hello Social

Social media done properly

Why is Everyone on TikTok?

TikTok has seemingly taken over the world. It now has an estimated 1.7 billion users and has reached this statistic exceptionally quickly – far faster than either Facebook or Instagram managed. But why has seemingly every business turned to TikTok? We’ll take a look at a few of the reasons below…

It’s Exceptionally Simple

First things first: TikTok is an exceptionally intuitive platform, meaning even new users will easily be posting videos within minutes. So, if a brand wants to get something out there quickly, they can go from recording to publication in no time.

In the world we live in, people expect an almost constant flow of content, and the simplicity of TikTok allows businesses to keep this flow going. What’s more, the various features available on the platform makes it simple to create content that stands out from the crowd.

That Community Feel

Users of TikTok feel like a community, often based around the person or business they follow. This is deliberately done by the people behind TikTok – they’ve made it simple for people to interact and therefore create bonds. This was particularly evident during Covid.

Businesses can harness this feeling of community to their advantage. By building relationships with groups of individuals, they make them more susceptible to advertising and more likely to go out and spend their money on the latest products.

Advertising Opportunities

TikTok is a fantastic advertising platform, especially for brands looking to target a younger demographic. Advertising on TikTok takes the form of promoted content, which a business can target at specific audiences. As with many other platforms, TikTok uses a bidding model to calculate the price of ads, although businesses must spend at least $20 per day.

And advertising on TikTok is certainly worthwhile, with 78% of advertisers reporting a positive ROI. Partner with us and the chances of this ROI being positive are enhanced even further! What’s more, 56% of advertisers state they’ll be increasing their investment in TikTok advertising.

Increase Brand Awareness

TikTok is a fantastic platform for building your brand. Users have indicated in surveys that they actively use TikTok to learn about new brands and many follow brands keenly. And with a growing userbase, it’s becoming even more important to get your brand on TikTok if you want to be discovered by potential customers.

As with all branding efforts, consistency is vital. The tone of voice should always be aligned with the business’s guidelines. For example, your business might exude a youthful vibe throughout – but differ from this and viewers will be confused about your brand’s personality, reducing the connection they feel with you.

Encourage User Generated Content

User generated content is a potential goldmine for marketers, and TikTok makes it incredibly simple to encourage users to advertise your business. Just launch a hashtag challenge and you should find other users creating their own videos in response to this challenge. And each one will, in some way or another, mention your business, if you’ve planned things intelligently.

It’s also possible for users to generate their own reviews of your products, which can be exceptionally valuable, plus TikTok has a huge pool of influencers, who you can engage to market your product to their audience.

Harness TikTok’s Power Today

TikTok is undoubtedly an important marketing platform for many businesses, especially those targeting a younger demographic. But as with every social media platform, businesses must use it in the right way – get things wrong and you could easily damage your brand.

By partnering with Hello Social, you can be sure your TikTok campaign is being run by social media professionals – experts in not only getting you noticed, but building your brand in the most effective way. Why not find out more by getting in touch today?